Tuesday, November 19, 2019

11.3 Dice

When I rolled the final project dice, I received community, dance, and sound/audacity. With these, I am trying to think of a concept that would allow sound to be made in the moment through a group interaction with a piece. Following the challenges with the Impact 25 work and anonymity, I want to be careful and selective about the community that is invited to interact with the piece and outline clear expectations -- though this may be achieved through my presence recording at the time of the activity. I want to discuss with my classmates what could be an engaging, yet simple construction that could yield many sound outcomes when interacted with. In terms of dance, I am considering this concept loosely as movement of the body. Perhaps the piece could engage in such a way that it forces participants to contort or move their body in a specific way in order to yield a sound. I'm curious about how I could create a record of these movements or if the act will be sufficient in and of itself. In short, I am at the beginning stages of conceptualizing what I would like to accomplish with this challenge, though I have some clear guidelines I would like to stick to in its execution.

11.2 Assignment Revisit

I wanted to revisit my in class Scratch assignment. Originally, I wanted to use elements that the user could drag and drop to create a pattern. However, I could not figure out how to give the user this level of control and instead opted for the elements to be clicked and travel to random positions. In my revisit, I was able to give the user control over their design completely. I also included instructions to make the activity more user friendly and clear. However, I would like to figure out how when the elements are released to have them return to the selection panel, so the elements couldn't get lost in the design potentially.

11.1 Tinkercad


Originally, I hoped to recreate this Bauhaus teapot, however I struggled with how to create a diagram effectively in Tinkercad. I think I understand how to place and arrange shapes, but I found the geometric forms difficult to use if I wanted to create an image that was not geometric. Additionally, I have a difficult time conceptualizing how to build an item such that there aren't any overhangs so it could print correctly. I struggled as well to use the different workplanes, but made an attempt to use these in order to add different levels to the design. Below is my outcome.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

10.1 Laser Cutting

I worked with Emma to create a laser cut ice cream sundae. Emma crafted bowls out of laser cut cardboard by making circles in incremental sizes to be placed on on top of the other. The corrugation within the cardboard shows when stacked, echoing a cut glass design as one would see on a bowl. I drew and then laser etched and cut out pieces to form an ice cream sundae on bristol paper. After, these were painted with watercolors. These elements will be assembled within the bowls. Pictures are to come of the final assembly.

10.2 Comments on Other Blogs

1. Commented on Sung's stop motion.
2. Commented on Christina's scanography.
3. Commented on Victoria's stop motion.
4. Commented on Maggie's laser cut project.
5. Commented on Christine's stop motion.
6. Commented on Sylvia's stop motion.
7. Commented on Yoo's stop motion.

It was lovely to have the opportunity to look closely at my colleague's posts and I hope to continue to leave comments as the semester continues. I would continuously look at each person's assignments, however I never left a comment! I really enjoyed reading over the comments I received and realize it's so important to give that feedback to others. Additionally, it encourages me to continue to push my work further as each person's explorations in new media demonstrate how they have met challenges and overcome them.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

9/3 Interesting Scratch Item

This item on Scratch really wowed me as it enabled the user to make art within the interface. I am inspired by the amount of freedom the user has to create within the rules the maker established. I attempted to create an arena for making in my scratch composition, however was unsuccessful and so I am really in awe of this piece!

9/2 Scratch Experience and the Art Classroom

I have for the most part enjoyed working in scratch. It definitely entertains an exciting problem-solving way of thinking around problems. I have found that if I approach Scratch with a fixed idea it is less effective than if I have a more general idea of what I would like to accomplish and attempt to find a close solution. Once I became comfortable searching out answers and tutorials on the internet, I also found that there are a lot of resources available in this regard. As such, I was able to achieve, within reason, the outcome I desired.

I would be interested in incorporating Scratch into the art classroom. I think it could be an excellent free resource simply for its functionality as a free program to practice digital drawing, an aspect of the platform that I really enjoyed. Additionally, it could be used for more narrative expressions which could be exciting for children to retell events from their lives, perhaps, once they have grown comfortable with the interface.

9/1 Scratch

14.2 Final Project: Dance + Community + Sound

For my final project I wanted to look at how movement and sound are naturally generated in a community setting. However, as I thought more a...