Tuesday, October 22, 2019

7/2 Reflection on Sound

When I reflected upon sound, I thought about when and how I chose to experience sound on a daily basis. For example, I will put on different types of music at different times of day to suit my mood or what I would like to accomplish. I may put on calm music when I am trying to work or I may choose music that is more upbeat if I'm looking to gain energy. A different kind of music than a particular mood calls for can be discordant and unsettling. At times small noises like the hum of the fridge are hardly noticeable and under different circumstances these sounds can be maddening. Our perceptions of sounds are highly susceptible to the slightest shifts in our moods and states of being.

In terms of sound in art, I thought about how in exhibition spaces there is an expectation of silence. Disruptive sounds are frowned against when viewing art, however sound is so integral to various modes of making. Video, performance, and of course, sound art are highly reliant on sound in order to meet creative ends. It's an interesting dichotomy between the expectation of silence in a gallery space and the inclusion of sound in the art being observed.

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